3 Wallets
Yes, this requires creating 3 separate wallets and making $GEN deposits into each β however this strategy may be optimal for players who enjoy game theory. This strategy employs a combination of the first two strategies β but with a twist. You will engage one wallet in a long term battle (against an unknown opponent) and with your other two wallets you will battle yourself. We recommend that you use the same Wallet 1 referral code for Wallets 2 and Wallets 3. Wallet 3 will be your βloserβ wallet in the battle with Wallet 2. Why would you want to battle yourself? Well, first you control when you can end a battle β while still receiving $GEN & $ARENA. Secondly you can time the end of your battle in coordination with the daily leaderboard in order to maximize your ranking on the daily stable coin pay out. The longer you battle yourself, the more $GEN will be rewarded to each wallet.
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